South African Wines

South African Wines are really appreciated by wine lovers. When you come to Cape Town, there are far too many wineries over 400)to be able to taste all good wines. The best idea, I recommend you is to attend one of the evening organised by Frederic Dasse.

This a series of tastings organised every week in Cape Town for people who like wines and who wants to discover South African Wines. It's opened to anybody, no registration, membership, etc. You just have to book and pay R100 for the tasting. They are organised in various restaurants in Cape Town, and you can stay after the tasting for diner if you wish. Most people do! It's a great opportunity to meet people, network, around a passion for wine. The atmosphere is very relaxed and easy going.

The wines however are selected for being the very best of the best in South africa. This is why it is called Top 12 Wines Tastings. Tastings go by theme. Every evening will have a different theme (Pinot Noir, Shiraz, Chardonnay, Bordeaux Blends, etc..). So you will be able to taste in the same evening all the very best Cabernets Sauvignon from South Africa. This, at R100 is a bargain if you think of the price of these wines..!!

On top of that you will get comments from the organiser and most of the time you will have a few winemakers or owners of these prestigious wines who like to also come taste theirs along with their competitors (yet friends!), and discuss their wines with you!

You will be asked to rank the wines in order of preference and will receive after that the results of your tasting.

Top12 wines is just a great way to experience lots of superb wines at one place!

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